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[edit] HETFET - Humans for Ethical Treatment of Fairies, Elves, and Trolls

[edit] Content

This image "runes.gif" appears to the right of the breaking news list
This image "runes.gif" appears to the right of the breaking news list

The HETFET homepage consists of links to the following sections:


  • The Help link leads to Cracktsd.com, a meta-website explaining the ARG.

[edit] Welcome

Welcome to HETFET, wary traveler!

Relax and feel free to look around — you’ve entered a virtual safe haven, where human and mystic creature alike can enjoy and enlighten themselves in a peaceful and supportive environment.

In case you’re wondering, we are Humans for the Ethical Treatment of Fairies, Elves and Trolls (HETFET), a grass-roots organization determined to fight for the rights of this misunderstood and mistreated segment of the population.

At HETFET, our mantra is to preserve the rights of mystic creatures and to ensure their survival through awareness, understanding and action:

AWARENESS - The leading cause of violence toward these fragile creatures is ignorance. By promoting and celebrating their existence, we hope to stop the accidental (and sometimes purposeful) slaughter associated with mankind’s ever-increasing expansion into their habitats.

UNDERSTANDING - By taking the mystery away from these frequently misunderstood creatures, we hope that humanity will begin to understand and appreciate their rich heritage. And with this knowledge, we can endeavor to live amongst each other peacefully.

ACTION - Taking the necessary steps to protect and ensure their survival is our greatest and most pressing goal. We hope to accomplish this through public education, cruelty investigation, creature rescue, legislation, special events, demonstrations and celebrity involvement.

[edit] Take Action

Here at HETFET, we are serious about protecting the rights of helpless creatures far and wide. We’ve grown in numbers over the years thanks to activists just like you but that’s only the start. Taking action for the HETFET cause helps to bring our message to the forefront and protect a species once thought to be a figment of so many imaginations. Join us and spread the HETFET word by taking action and being proactive in the pursuit of the Humane and Ethical Treatment of Fairies, Elves and Trolls.

Here are a few simple steps you can follow to TAKE ACTION today!
see next section (Join) for remaining content

[edit] Join


HETFET is a global community working together to make the world a safe place for all living things.

Here’s how you can help:
the following appears also on the "Take Action" page
STEP 1: JOIN OUR CAUSE Our discussion boards are a great way to connect with other supporters. Here you can rant and rave, discuss, argue and reminisce about a cause that is near and dear to our hearts. Share your stories, organize gatherings, share information or meet that special someone who feels as passionately as you do!

STEP 2: SPREAD THE WORD Become a HETFET activist and take matters into your own hands by placing a banner on your site, blog or channel. You can make the difference!

STEP 3: TELL A FRIEND It may not seem like much, but one of the most valuable ways to raise awareness is to help get the truth out there. Mystic creatures are not only real, but they have a rich culture that is a vital part of the world’s historical tapestry. Encourage your friends and family to join our our nobel cause today.

STEP 4: CONTRIBUTE We’re big into community here at HETFET and there is no better way to show your solidarity than to send us a picture or movie of yourself or a friend supporting our cause. We look forward to receiving your photos and/or movies and soon we’ll have a gallery to display them all!

STEP 5: SIGN THE PETITION You don’t need to spend money or be computer savvy to be a part of the HETFET movement. Sign our Protect Ancient Forests petition today and let the Bureau of Land Management know you’re serious about protecting all majestic creatures.

[edit] Contribute

This page contains a form for people to send proof of their support for HETFET, in photo and video form.
We rely on volunteers and contributors to spread our message of tolerance and understanding. Now that everyone is helping out and spreading the message, we want to show off just how much everyone is contributing to our cause!

Upload pictures and videos of yourselves supporting HETFET’s cause, and we’ll post as many as we can in our gallery. Be creative! There are many different ways to spread the truth about elves, fairies, trolls, and other mystical creatures, so find one that suits your personality and share it with the community!

[edit] About Us

Some call them a myth. Some call them pests. Some call them a menace to society.

We know better.

We know that every minute of every day, all across the world, terrible crimes are taking place all around us. But the victims of these crimes can’t ask for help because humanity turns a deaf ear to the segment of society that we once called “mythical creatures.”

Not anymore.

At HETFET, it is our unwavering belief that these misunderstood beings deserve the same rights as those given to animals or people. No more, no less; just the right to coexist and be left alone.

It was with this philosophy in mind that a group of thoughtful and committed citizens banded together in the mid 1960’s to create an underground movement called HETFET - a handful of determined activists united to put a stop to illegal Pixie Poaching in the North American Boreal Forest. Ever since that fateful spring, HETFET has been hard at work behind the scenes, doing its part to ensure that all mystical creatures are given a fair chance.

HETFET has made great strides in the past 40+ years, and we continue to help make the world a better place for human and creature alike. Our committed activists and supporters have come together to ban the despicable act of commercial trolling, we’ve lobbied to convince world leaders to stop the inhumane act of Fairy hunting, we’ve helped to put forth legislation to protect Wood Elves, and so much more. Today, we have grown from a small group of caring individuals into a strong group of underground supporters with representation in 46 different countries. But even as we expand, our mission remains the same: to continue the fight to ensure the protection of ALL of GOD’s Creatures.

[edit] Explore

We invite members and non-members alike to explore our site and glean from the goodness we purvey.

We’ve many messages to share with you, some of which you will find in our NEWS and others that may materialize in our COMMUNITY. But please remember to use your newfound information wisely, as one never knows where— or when —it may be necessary to apply the knowledge one has learned.

We also encourage you to explore THE SECRET DEVICE. A masterfully created device of unparalleled craftsmanship, based upon an object of unknown power and origin. Legend has it that an incredible journey awaits those who can decipher its myriad mysteries.

HETFET was formed to lend a voice to defenseless woodland creatures and to enlighten those who’ve adopted our mantra as their own. We encourage you to consider the plight of an endangered species as you lend your eye and gaze upon the facts we share.

While exploring the halls of HETFET, believe us when we pledge to you that our cause is just and our hearts are pure. We encourage you to join our ranks and help us spread our cause. Creature abuse must stop today!

[edit] Tell a friend

A simple form to send a PR email to friend, to help spread the word

[edit] Link to us

A banner page, containing the following images for people to place on their own sites, along with HTML code...